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Before shooting at Wye Valley Archery, you will be asked to acknowledge and sign our site rules. If you fail to adhere to these rules consistently, you may be asked to leave the site, and potentially banned from further access.
All regular patrons must have booked in via text or by email with Lee at least 24 hours before the day of shooting. For hire groups, booking is performed via the website or telephone.
Patrons must pay cash or bank transfer on each visit.
The fee (£15 with your own equipment) entitles you to one full lap of our short and long course, a subsequent lap will incur an additional charge £10 (2 laps maximum)
All patrons Must agree to adhere to the rules set out below. Failure to do so will result in suspension or ban.
All patrons are responsible for the safekeeping of their own equipment, cars, and valuables. Wye Valley Archery does not accept any responsibility for damaged or stolen property.
Suitable responsible adults must always accompany under 16's.
Dogs are welcome but must be kept under control or on a leash at all times. Please clean up after your dog.
Litter will not be tolerated, please keep our woods tidy and take your rubbish with you.
No new or first time archers are permitted to shoot a bow over 40lb unless authorized by Lee.
- Archery can be dangerous, any patron seen aiming a bow at full draw, with an arrow knocked or otherwise, in any direction other than the intended targets, will result in an instant ban.
- Willful neglect or misuse of our hire equipment will result in a charge proportional to the damage caused.
- The field course is a one-way system. This must be observed at all times. Patrons must never walk back to a peg from a target.
Patrons must always use the marked paths. Wandering off these paths is a breach of course safety. Tampering with the paths in any way may result in suspension or ban.
- The field course has four pegs to shoot from; Blue, White, Red, and Silver. Archers are to shoot only from the peg they are allocated by Lee. Failure to adhere may result in suspension or ban. To progress to the next colored peg, a score of 500+ must be witnessed (600+ to achieve Silver).
Only one archer is permitted to shoot from their allocated peg at a time. The archer has a maximum of 3 arrows per target. Cease shooting once you have a scoring arrow.
- When retrieving arrows, your bow must always be left leaning against the target in full view of the target's peg. Never go looking for arrows without leaving a clear marker at the target (indicating a person is near to the target) for other archers to see. Failure to adhere may result in suspension or ban.
Patrons must use the marked paths at all times even when searching for arrows. Crossing or climbing border fencing to retrieve lost arrows will result in suspension or ban.
- It is the responsibility of every archer on the site to ensure that all other participants are shooting safely.
All shooting must cease if 3 long blasts of a whistle or horn are heard. You may continue once Lee or a Wye Valley Archery instructor gives the all clear.
- Wye Valley Archery instructors and Silver Arrow holders' word are final. These individuals are ambassadors of Wye Valley Archery.
Wye Valley Archery reserves the right to remove from the course and premises any patron that is in breach of the above rules.
Site Rules
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